How long does it take to create an illustration?

Usually, 1-3 illustrations are ready within 3-5 business days. But much depends on the scope of work and how quickly you give us your feedback. If you respond promptly, and the approval goes quickly as well, it is possible to make an illustration within 1-2 days. If you need time for decision-making, it will take longer.

As a rule, if you order a series of illustrations, the first one takes more time than others, because we settle upon the style and colors with its help.

What will our workflow be like?

At first, we will discuss the details of your project. Then after getting the prepayment, we will make 2 sketches for you to choose from. There goes the stage of revisions. And after the sketches are approved, we will move ahead with digital drawing. And when all files have been revised and the remainder is paid, we will send you all the files in the required formats.

How do I pay for your work?

We use the Payoneer payment method as it has proved to be easy-to-use and reliable. We will charge 50 % prepayment before starting with sketches, and take the remainder before sending you the final files.

I have a large project, and I’m afraid to pay in full. Is there another options?

Yes, there is. We could offer you to try a “test project”, in which you choose one item of graphics to be created. We will complete all the steps, you will see the way we work, and if everything suits you fine, we proceed further.

How do I describe my task?

If you already know exactly what you’d like to see, you may mention:

  • project deadline
  • file dimensions
  • file formats
  • style preferences
  • brand/preferable colors
  • task description – objects, scenes, characters, - anything that comes to mind!
  • additional information

If you are not sure yet, it is absolutely fine – just explain the services your business provides which should be illustrated! References from our portfolio or moodboards can also be a great start.

What if I don’t know yet what I want?

This is absolutely ok. It is just important to leave the time for the discussion.

In terms of the style, we can recommend looking through our portfolio and find the styles you like. You may check the websites of your rivals or colleagues and check the graphics that looks good to the eye even irrationally. Also, some styles don’t go well with certain ways of usage. We can advise which styles from your examples would look perfect for your task.

If you don’t have your brand colors, we will help with choosing your palette. Here you may also use examples from websites, blogs, social media that you follow. Some fields require specific palettes, that’s why it is important to describe what your business is about and your attitude to it.

You may not see the whole composition at once, but you may think which features of your services you’d like to highlight. People? Technologies? Your products? Everything that comes to mind can be suggested at the stage of discussion. Ideas that seem strange or stupid at first can give the right impulse.

I studied your workflow, but I need a little bit differently. For example, 20 sketches instead of 2. What is to be done?

Great! We love unusual tasks and if you need 20 sketches, we will prepare them just tracking additional time.

What if I don’t like the result?

As a rule, the stage of sketches helps to prevent this situation. We carefully choose and discuss the style; the sketches show the composition and details. So probably nothing can go wrong except the case when you just change your mind.

After many years of working, these cases can be counted on the fingers of one hand. But of course, we provide in our workflow a cancellation/rejection fee if there appears the problem beyond our control. Its amount depends on the stage on which the project is cancelled.

So, if you know exactly what you would like to see or otherwise trust designer’s taste, open for a discussion and ready to give structural feedback, we’ll certainly achieve the best results.

Sometimes we can suggest taking one more iteration of sketches and checking some new versions if you are unsure. It is crucial that you are satisfied with a sketch to get what you expected in the end.

What kind of license will be provided for the graphics I will order by you?

We have a very loyal commercial license which allows you to use our graphics exclusively on your websites, apps, physical products unlimited number of times. If your project requires any specific adjustments, feel free to ask!

Do you make logos?

Unfortunately, we don’t create logos. One may think that logos and icons are the same things, but logo design has its own specifics, and the work process differs a lot. We offer you the types of graphics which we are good at: icons and illustrations.

Do you create illustrations by yourselves or outsource?

All our graphics is made by our creative team of designers. We have a well-defined workflow, and our internal communication helps us complete orders of a high quality and in time.  

What is Payoneer like, by the way?

Payoneer is the global trustworthy payment system which we have been using for long to receive payments.

Its main advantages are:

  • We issue an invoice which can be cleared at a link;
  • It is possible to make payment both by card and by bank transfer;
  • Money is received quickly, forwarding the start of work;
  • It is possible not to register in the system.

If you haven’t used it before and don’t know how to start, we will send you all necessary instructions and explain all details (it’s very easy though).  

How do I know that you won’t screw me?

We have been working with customers all over the world for long, and within this time there was no situation when we left our customer out in the cold. You can check out our reviews we’ve been receiving: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ilyaboyko/ (in the Recommendations section)

We are always open for the discussion and you can share all your doubts with us; we hope that we can find solutions which will help dispel them!

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